Using flags in omnifocus 3
Using flags in omnifocus 3using flags in omnifocus 3

Whenever something I’d like to get done today comes to mind, I can get to quick entry and enter today’s date as the start date and it will show in my main context view. This way, I have that project ready to go as its own entity and the treading water window is still available. I’ll then return to the general “Treading Water” window. If there are a group of tasks in a particular project I need to do in a day, I will mark one of them with the start date and then use the alt-option-r function (Show in Planning Mode) to jump to the Project and double click the Project to have it in its own window. This way, I separate those things that are treading water and those things that will move me ahead either in work or in fun. My goal is to get through this window so that I can do either number 3 or 4 listed above. I think I’m allergic to the orange and red. Anything that really needs a due date gets one, but I try to stay away from that as much as possible. It is a context view with the “start date” as the grouping characteristic and “available” as the grouping filter. It carries all of my repeated actions and those things that I have assigned to start today. The treading water window is my main window. The goal for me in getting things done is in getting past treading water. General Settings for the Treading Water Perspective I try not to have more than 5 flagged at any one time (I often break this rule, ah well).

  • One flagged project I want to get done (music, video games … ) (minimized)įlagged projects are those that I want to remain in my consciousness.
  • One flagged project I need to get done (usually work related …) (minimized).
  • General Project View (just to have readily accessible).
  • The main window and my center of focus: “General” aka treading-water which is basically a checklist that if I get it done, I’ll have tread water successfully (bleh).

    There are usually at least 2-4 windows open :

    using flags in omnifocus 3

    These tasks can be as simple as “check the mail” or complex like “work on billing” – broken down into individual tasks, etc … It is a good skeleton structure around which everything can revolve. Some of these are on repeat – daily, weekly or otherwise. My main focus in using OmniFocus is to get past treading water and instead into projects I need to do and, better yet, those I really enjoy.įor most tasks, I assign a start date to things I want to do today. Carrying that mindset into OmniFocus can help a lot. The GTD method is excellent in that it respects the extremely valuable resource of attention. OmniFocus is an excellent program which is likely the one I use most (even including my internet browser).įor a basic guide, I refer the reader to the video at the Omnifocus page linked above.


    There are likely many ways of using the task management software OmniFocus, but as I’ve been using it for a while, I’ve adapted my own methods and thought it worthwhile to make mention of them. The following began as a comment to a thread over at the OmniFocus blog … But the concept remains essentially the same – balance the routine with the ongoing work. If you’re looking for an updated view of my workflow, check out the more recent posts. Addendum (): Looking back at this inaugural post, I realize quite how much of my workflow has changed, and yet what has remained.

    Using flags in omnifocus 3